Dec 19, 2024
Canada’s most and least climate-resilient cities revealed
D’Angelo & Sons, a Hamilton-based roofing and home improvement company, conducted a study to rank Canadian cities based on their vulnerability to climate change. Using data from the 2021 Canadian Census and the World Resources Institute Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, the study assessed cities on eight criteria, including water stress, flood risk, wildfire risk, and extreme heat exposure.
Hamilton, St. Catharines, and Toronto tied for 18th place among the most vulnerable cities, with risks such as water shortages and increased flooding by 2050. Oshawa ranked 17th, and Regina placed 16th. The study highlights how shared water resources and geography heighten risks for these areas.
In contrast, Victoria, Kelowna, Vancouver, Quebec City, and Ottawa were ranked as the most resilient cities, benefiting from abundant water and geographic protection, though some face moderate risks of extreme heat.

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