Dec 20, 2024
Canada invests $1 million in Yukon energy retrofit initiative
Canada’s buildings sector ranks third in greenhouse gas emissions nationwide. Member of Parliament Brendan Hanley, on behalf of Energy and Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson, announced $1 million in funding through the Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program (GNPP) to Earthrise Building Services Inc.
Earthrise will develop a roadmap for large-scale energy retrofits in Yukon, utilizing the Dutch Energiesprong initiative. This approach groups similar homes into single projects, enabling bulk energy-saving upgrades and prefabricated building assemblies to reduce construction time and costs.
“Energy efficiency means cost savings for Canadians,” said Minister Wilkinson. Hanley emphasized the initiative’s potential for emissions reduction, energy savings, and job creation.
Deep retrofits, which can cut energy use by 50% and emissions by 80%, are part of Canada’s first Green Buildings Strategy. GNPP aims to transform the market through scalable, efficient retrofitting solutions.

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